My teaching inquiry has been around my masters project - how to accelerate vocabulary acquisition in a digital environment. One child has made accelerated progress in reading (18 months so far this year, and has really struggled to make progress in the past), due in large part to her involvement in the Quick 60 lessons. She has always had excellent oral vocabulary however has struggled with reading and writing. As we have focused more on vocabulary and the use of "powerful words" she has begun to see herself as a capable reader and writer who has ideas to share. She is still caught up in the technical and motor skills of reading and writing, however her attitude about her capabilities has changed. Here is some evidence of her work:

This learner has been able to harness the affordances of the technology to help her to succeed. She uses the iPad voice dictation, prerecorded instructions, and symbols, to learn create and share in new ways that are not restricted by her reading and writing abilities.
She has become an empowered learner, as she realises she can learn in different ways.
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